Usability: a roadmap to creating a user-friendly website

A user-friendly website is like a river following its path to the sea, or like a bird gliding through the sky with its wings widely spread. There is this natural flow that takes your users effortlessly to their goals.
Website usability is a bigger theme than ever and can either make or break your online platform. But what is usability, and how do you create a user-friendly website?
How design can make a difference

As Erik Spiekermann jokingly writes in the foreword of Do Good Design by David Berman; the world probably will go on the same when there are no designers anymore – it would be a bit less colorful and some companies would sell a bit less, but the world wouldn’t cease to exist. How important is the work of a designer really?
Competitor Analysis in UX design: get insights in your brand competitors

Let’s say you own a brand, you run a company, and it’s going quite well. Nice! But things could be better… There are some areas where you can’t quite figure out why certain things don’t work, like advertising, sales, etc. You ask yourself; How do other brands and companies manage to be more successful? What are they doing differently? You know you have a strong proposition, but is your brand is as unique as you think it is?
This is the perfect moment to conduct a UX research with a competitive analysis. And what is a competitive analysis, you may ask? Well, we’re here to explain all the ins and outs for you and guide you through the steps to make your own competitor analysis, specifically for UX design.
What is responsive design in UX?

Making digital designs isn’t only about creating a pretty picture. As UX designers, we have to take a lot of different things in consideration. As we earlier mentioned in our blogs The elements of User Experience design, What is UX design and The use of user research, the term UX design embodies a lot of different disciplines.
Here, we will elaborate on what is responsive design, why do you need it, and how do you approach it in UX?
Accessibility design: what do you need for an accessible website?

We don’t think about it enough: worldwide, 1 billion people have disabilities.1 That is 1 billion people you exclude from your website if you don’t consider accessibility in your designs. These disabilities can range from visual impairment to any physical challenges while using a website. I think we can all agree that 1 billion is… quite a lot! This is why usability and accessibility in web design are so extremely important. Let’s get to business, what do you need to step up your website’s accessibility game?
10 Ways to Improve Your Website

Setting up your own business website is like setting up your own sidewalk lemonade stand. You expect one, maybe two people approaching you to buy some refreshing drinks, and after that comes another hour of waiting for the next one. Like lemonade stands, the effort it takes to create and improve a website matters more than simply ticking a box off of one’s startup checklist.
Easter eggs

The flowers are blooming, the bees are buzzing again and the birds are singing their highest song! That means: SPRING! And spring is inextricably linked to Easter.
Who hasn’t looked for eggs among the newly emerging daffodils? Whether it was real self-painted eggs or sun-melted chocolate eggs, we all had a stomach ache at the end of the day.
Why you need customer journey mapping

If you sell a product or service but you don’t have a customer journey map yet, stop what you’re doing! Customer journey mapping is a crucial part in going from a GOOD user experience, to a GREAT user experience. Want to know how? Keep reading and find out.
The elements of User Experience design

User Experience design, or the short version UX design, refers to the design of experiences users have with products or services. Today, the term User Experience design is mostly used in online products, such as platforms, websites, webshops and apps, but you can use User Experience design for basically everything that can be used and has a design. From something as simple as your favorite teacup to more advanced items like a brand-new espresso machine. What are important factors and deliverables in UX design? I’ll tell you all about it!
What is UX design?

Most business owners or start-ups know they need it, it’s supposed to be this really big deal in development. But what is UX design? And why is UX design important for the success of the next product? The abbreviation is the easy part, UX in UX design stands for User Experience. But to explain to you exactly what UX design is, I’m going to need a little bit more of your time. It will be worth it though, pinky promise!